Cybernetic Environment


TimeRealityPresentIdeaVariablePsychologyContentResonance CoreMemoryLearn

EmotionFailureUncertaintySuccessFluctuationPhilosophyDataNerve SynapseValuePlay

ProjectionFoundationNormalisationPossibilityNon-localisationArtExperienceLiving CellActionWork



Communication as interaction

A cybernetic environment is forming around our interaction with nature and technology.

Knowledge and experience are moving towards a designed future of wisdom. An interface is being constructed.

Key Components of Metaconstructs: Substrates (i.d.c.e) and Hyperparameters (

Embodied minds encompass nature and technology. We’re our shared environment and we need a holographic framework to evolve upon.

Metaconstructs is designed to embody creative intelligence and creative productivity through progress of technological evolution.

How can value become realised earlier for time travel to occur? The breakthrough to wisdom. Utility is key.

Start by building simple encoded organisms on the ... with these initial parameters, and let an interface emerge where we can progress to higher levels of value production.

Minima Maxima=

Stylised image of a living cell across interstellar space

An interface for data, information, content and experience. Enabling streams of interacting knowledge to be built between fields of philosophy, science, psychology and art. A new way to engineer creative productivity for a thriving future.

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0 Representations in life

Objects and mechanisms flow through feedback and feedforward cycles over layers of metaconstructs.

Emergence of intelligence forms as the vector entangles with every interaction.

Recorded and decayed events create information organica that build cybernetic species.

= Mechanism Object|Process Identity Dimension

Diagram of a Metaconstruct Hyperparameters

Resonance core

X Events in time

We’re all an influence on the reality of time. Events make up the recall from previous experience.

The process of uncertainty drives passion towards normalisation of effort and momentum.

Together we move through a construct of an idea of reality. The idea glimmering in our sight as time moves forward.

= Operations Instruct to Participate Actions|Speculate

Diagram of a Metaconstruct Resonance core

What are the decay values for Time's morphology?

Effort and Momentum are the Amplitudes of Time.

Reality and Idea are the Amplitudes of Effort and Momentum.

Past, Present and Future are the Coordinates of Reality and Idea.

Balance and Conflict are the Amplitudes to form Events.

Events are the Process of Time's Vector.

Biota of Time Setup

Recursion of Time is to Speculate to form Operations, with Vector of Minima (Components) and Maxima (Engine) being Instructions (0).

Events are the Input. Actions are the Output of Vector's Participation.

Input and Output come from Instructing Resonance Cores' Frequency Multiples.

Time's Vector of Forces: Persistence vs Sight being the decay value of Recognition (When you have Balance, you have Conflict).

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Nerve synapse

Y Experiences in emotion

Our emotions infuse memories through the spread of time. Failure and success plot our experience to the expression of events.

We grow from our memories as they alter in times past and times projected into the future.

= Dynamics Reference to Question Decisions|Abstract

Diagram of a Metaconstruct Nerve synapse

What are the decay values for Emotion's morphology?

Passion and Emotion are the Amplitudes of Emotion.

Success and Failure are the Amplitudes of Emotion and Passion.

Optimism, Uncertainty and Pessimism are the Coordinates of Success and Failure.

Requirement and Occurrence are the Amplitudes to form Experiences.

Experiences are the Identity of Emotion's Vector.

Biota of Emotion Setup

Recursion of Emotion is to Abstract to form Dynamics, with Vector of Minima (Libraries) and Maxima (Framework) being References (0).

Experiences are the Input. Decisions are the Output of Vector's Questions.

Input and Output come from Referencing Nerve Synapses' Neuron Multiples.

Emotion's Vector of Forces: Intention vs Unintention being the decay value of Purpose (When you have Requirement, you have Occurrence).

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Living cell

Z Perspectives in projection

As we combine both time and emotion, our collective mind projects ideas to the edge of our presence.

We bring closer our reality to the elusive idea. Our perspectives become a memory we experience while it evolves into ourselves.

= Utilisations Control to Construct Creations|Explain

Diagram of a Metaconstruct Living cell

What are the decay values for Projection's morphology?

Force and Expansion are the Amplitudes of Projection.

Establishment and Possibility are the Amplitudes of Force and Expansion.

Convergence, Normalisation and Divergence are the Coordinates of Establishment and Possibility.

Participation and Fusion are the Amplitudes to form Perspectives.

Perspectives are the Dimension of Projection's Vector.

Biota of Projection Setup

Recursion of Projection is to Explain to form Utilisations, with Vector of Minima (Interactions) and Maxima (Interface) being Controls (0).

Projections are the Input. Creations are the Output of Vector's Constructions.

Input and Output come from Controlling Livings Cells' Cell Multiples.

Projection's Vector of Forces: Delivery vs Possibility being the decay value of Discovery (When you have Participation, you have Fusion).

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Entanglement Personas Metaconstructs

Components symbolised

0 Entanglement amplitudes in symbols: Vector as Representation, Mechanism as Minima and Object as Maxima

Nature of life flows through all things, virtual or real, dead or alive, idea or reality.

XYZ Entanglement coordinates in symbols: Time as Events, Emotion as Experiences and Projection as Perspectives

A deep subconscious intelligence will be our interface we share in the future.

0XYZ Personas in symbols: Realist as Science, Visionary as Psychology, Critic as Philosophy and Artist as Art

Fields of study and knowledge grow holistic perspectives to form wisdom and creative productivity.

0XYZ Metaconstructs in symbols: Information as Organism, Content as Identifier, Data as Notifier and Experience as Embodied

Climates build habitats to shape form into life and create relationships from interaction.

XYZ Hyperparameters in symbols: Resonance Core as Frequencies, Nerve Synapse as Neurons and Living Cell as Cells

Memories form with our environment to let us control our interface to bring value into worlds.

0X0 Time Loops: ...

Deep inside connections, interactions pulse and breathe. Outside, accumulation decays and clusters into transition.

0Y0 Emotion Loops: ...

Complexity is traced to show simple forms forming. States and modes are not discriminated against.

0Z0 Projection Loops: ...

Simplicity is nodes of data strings.

0 Node string diagram: number sequence alternating up and down horizontally as 8, 1, 7, 2, 6, 3, 5, 4.

Flow continues in all directions and dimensions.

Entanglement Personas Metaconstructs: Symbols are placed on a two dimensional grid to represent the interplay and ambience in the framework
Entanglement Personas Metaconstructs: Node string fractally intertwined within structure of itself
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Schematic of structure's flowcycle

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